The Art of Bloom
The Art of Bloom
Intertrend Communications
Intertrend Communications
The Art of Bloom is a multi-sensory exhibition that focuses on the symbiotic relationship between humans and nature. Throughout history, people have seen flowers as vessels to project a variety of meanings and messages. Humans and flowers are stimulated by one another, reacting to each other to nourish and grow. This special relationship is conveyed through the theme “Symbiosis" in the two installations of The Art of Bloom.
The Art of Bloomは、人と自然の特別な関係性に焦点を当てた、インタラクティブな没入型の展覧会です。人は花を、喜びや悲しみ、強さと儚さ、生と死など、人の深層心理を映し出す器として見てきました。そんな人と花との特別な関係性を、展覧会のテーマ“SYMBIOSIS(共生)”を通してペタルルーム(Petal Room)と、ネイチャールーム(Augmented Nature Room)の二つの展示で表現しています。
The Petal Room
The Petal Room
The first installation, Petal Room, consists of 3,500 real flowers, 6 million paper petals designed to fall with beautiful trajectories, a signature scent, and sensor-activated lighting that incorporates microscopic scans of flowers. These elements stimulate the senses and allow visitors to feel physically connected to flowers and nature.
The Augmented Nature Room
The Augmented Nature Room
In the second installation, Augmented Nature Room, AR technology creates an interactive experience that highlights elements of nature that humans and flowers both need: Air, Water, Soil, Time, Light & Shadow, Space, and Wind.
ネイチャールームでは、AR技術を使い自然現象の可視化を試みています。展示室には、「Air」「Water」「Soil」「Time」「Light & Shadow」「Space」「Wind」という人と花にとって不可欠な自然の要素の名前がついた、7つの展示台があります。それらにスマホやタブレットをかざすことで、自然の現象がARによって可視化されます。
Visual Identity
Visual Identity
The theatre which we renovated for this exhibition, merchandise, printed collateral, AR markers, and even our signature scent is designed under a unified visual direction. The visual inspiration came from sakura flower petals that fall during springtime in Japan, along with the vibrant oranges, blues, and greens of the California landscape. We combined the two to envision the universal awe that humans find in nature’s beauty.
この展覧会の為にレノベーションした会場から、ショップのグッズ、印刷物、 ARのマーカー、オリジナルの香りまで、全て統一したVIのもと制作しました。展覧会のビジュアルは、さくらの花びらとカリフォルニアの鮮やかな景色の色からインスピレーションを得ており、人々が花に見出す普遍的な美と喜びを表現しています。
Stepping into The Art of Bloom, visitors experience scents, sounds, and other physical sensations that stimulate their senses. The tactile and technological components of the exhibition combine to create a visceral, moving experience.
The Art of Bloomに足を踏み入れると、聴覚や臭覚、触覚などの多感覚が刺激され、五感を研ぎ澄まして没入する体験ができます。テクノロジー自体に注目するのではなく、テクノロジーを人の身体的な感覚を呼びさまし、感情を動かすために使うことに注力しました。
Social Outreach
Social Outreach
Playing with petals, sitting down to reminisce, lying on the projection floor, or even dancing and doing yoga... visitors found their own unique ways of interacting with the exhibit. Workshops and satellite events with local collaborators added even more versatility to how visitors enjoyed the installation. Visitors shared their experiences on social media, resulting in great organic traction.
- Producer
- Intertrend Communications, Inc.
- Creative Director
- 大黒大悟
- Art Director
- 大黒大悟
- Designer
- 大黒大悟、東門光香、Arim Han, Sam Kuo
- Motion Graphics
- 東門光香、Sam Kuo
- Web Design
- Kevin Lee
- Project Manager
- Tanya Ruakko, Cassandra Leeman, Megumi Noguchi
- Lighting & Technology Design
- B1n4ry Visuals
- AR Design
- Rumu Innovations
- Fragrance Design
- Yosh Han and Harris Fragrances
- Floral Design
- Rawfinery
- Photography
- Brandon Shigeta
- Producer
- Intertrend Communications, Inc.
- Creative Director
- Daigo Daikoku
- Art Director
- Daigo Daikoku
- Designer
- Daigo Daikoku, Mika Tohmon, Arim Han, Sam Kuo
- Motion Graphics
- Mika Tohmon, Sam Kuo
- Web Design
- Kevin Lee
- Project Manager
- Tanya Ruakko, Cassandra Leeman, Megumi Noguchi
- Lighting & Technology Design
- B1n4ry Visuals
- AR Design
- Rumu Innovations
- Fragrance Design
- Yosh Han and Harris Fragrances
- Floral Design
- Rawfinery
- Photography
- Brandon Shigeta