Takao 599 Museum
Hachiōji City
In Hachioji district, at the edge of Tokyo, at an altitude of 599 meters resides Takao Mountain, said to be one of the mountains closest to a city. At its foot stands TAKAO 599 MUSEUM, for which I was the creative and planning director. With 3,000,000 climbers per year, Takao Mountain is the world’s most visited mountain. In order to best present its allure, I seeked for a system of communication that tickled the visitors’ curiosity, applying a unified concept to the space and architecture, exhibition graphics, exhibited materials, and identification system. TAKAO 599 MUSEUM provides a fresh point of view on the bountiful nature of Takao Mountain.
東京都八王子市、標高599m。都心から最も近い山の1つと言われる高尾山のふもとに立つTAKAO 599 MUSEUMの企画・総合ディレクション。高尾山は世界中から年間300万人が訪れる、世界一来山者数の多い山です。そんな高尾山の魅力を伝えるために、ただ情報を伝えるのではなく、訪れた方の好奇心をグッとくすぐるコミュニケーションを目指し、一貫したコンセプトのもと、建築空間の提案、展示グラフィック、展示物ディレクションをはじめ、全アイデンティフィケーションを担当。高尾山の豊かな自然を新たな視点で発信しています。
Logo & naming
Although only 599 meters in height, Takao Mountain prides a unique ecosystem and multi-faceted charms. With the wish that visitors will rediscover the allure of this small mountain, the museum was named “599” after the mountain’s altitude. The logomark simply and boldly draws the undeniable presence of the flat but large mountain as a triangle.
People of all ages and nationality visit Takao Mountain, a quasi-national park of Japan. Therefore, its map should not only convey information, but with extreme perspicuity, convey the philosophy and values that it holds dear.
Exhibition design
Encapsulation of plants in acrylic resin, proposal of fusion of stuffing and projection mapping for the “NATURE WALL” proposal, further planning and composition of “599 GUIDE” telling Takao information and trivia clearly, not only exhibition graphics. We are building a total communication of the entire museum.
植物のアクリル樹脂への封入、剥製とプロジェクションマッピングの融合“NATURE WALL”の提案、さらに高尾山の情報やトリビアをわかりやすく伝える“599GUIDE”の企画・構成など、展示グラフィックだけにとどまらず、展示物のディレクションから参画。ミュージアム全体のコミュニケーションをトータルで構築しています。
Nature Wall is a 20 meter-wide wall with a beech tree relief and real taxidermy of the animals of Takao Mountain. Motion graphics portraying the four seasons of Takao is projected onto the wall, beautifully and sometimes humorously illustrating both the sensory and scientific allure of nature.
高尾山を象徴するブナの木のレリーフと動物の剥製を設置した、左右20mに及ぶNature Wall。この壁面には、高尾山の四季をテーマにした映像がプロジェクションマッピングされ、自然の魅力を科学的な観点も入れながら美しく、ユーモラスに伝えています。
599 GUIDE visually introduces information such as Mt Takao's history, seasonal highlights, climbing etiquette and routes. Mussan, the flying squirrel, gives children a fun overview of climbing etiquettes, while numbers uncover the unknown charms of Mt. Takao. Climbing routes are visualized to let visitors chose the path that will best fit their purpose and skill level. The GUIDE includes a variety of innovations designed to help visitors of all ages enjoy their time in the mountain.
高尾山の歴史や季節の見どころ、登山マナーやルートなどを紹介する599 GUIDE。ムササビのむっさんが登山マナーを教えてくれたり、数字をきっかけに高尾山の魅力を発見できたり、登山ルートの特徴を直感的に学べたり、高尾山の歩き方・楽しみ方をより深く理解してもらうためのさまざまな工夫が散りばめられています。
Museum Font
The museum’s original font is created with organic nuances that resembles plants. It is used in signs, exhibition graphics, the museum website, and other communication tools to unify the identity of TAKAO 599 MUSEUM.
植物のような有機的なニュアンスを持ったオリジナルフォント。サインや展示グラフィック、webなど、ミュージアムが発信するさまざまなツールで一貫して使用しTAKAO 599 MUSEUMのアイデンティティーをつくっている。
With ultimately smooth scalability and motion affinity, the pictogram system is designed to translate well across all media, whether dynamic or static, large or small, web or print. The pictogram indicating the difficulty of the climbing course intrinsically conveys the joy of climbing, aiding with instinctive as well as informative communication.
Museum Goods
Amongst the museum shops goods are: a locally-produced wooden ruler to more closely observe Takao Mountain’s nature; violets and cherry blossoms infused in acrylic resin; and notebooks and t-shirts adorned with the museum logo.
From the flower-infused acrylic resin series, a symbolic exhibit of the museum, the Takao violet and the cherry blossom were selected as representative flowers of the area to be sold as souvenirs. The package is designed so that the vibrant, organic beauty of the flower contrasts sharply with the sleek whiteness of the package.
TAKAO 599 MUSEUMの象徴的な展示物である、花々を封入したアクリル標本の中から、 高尾山を代表する「タカオスミレ」「サクラ」を販売するにあたり、パッケージをデザインしました。 鮮やかで有機的な花の美しさを、白くシャープなパッケージとのコントラストで印象的に表現しています。
The website uses dynamic elements such as moving pictograms and 3D maps effectively to guarantee an instinctive user experience and convey a massive amount of information in a perspicuous manner.
On August 11, the date of both the Japanese holiday “mountain day” and the inauguration of the museum, “599 Festival” is hosted every year. We created a poster to convey the beautiful nature of Takao Mountain, as well as a mascot character to comically convey the allure of the mountain as well as some manners of climbing the mountains.
A donations box created with local lumber, as well as 10% of the proceeds from museum goods, help to protect the natural environment of the Takao Mountain.
高尾山をみんなで守っていく取り組みを行っています。 募金箱は多摩山材で制作し、グッズの売り上げの10%は山に寄付されます。
- Client
- 八王子市
- Creative Director
- 大黒大悟
- Art Director
- 大黒大悟
- Designer
- 大黒大悟、佐野真弓、菅家悠斗、佐々木那保子、矢崎花
- Copywriter
- 是方法光
- Producer
- 鈴木龍毅
- Cordinator
- 鈴木輝隆
- Photographer
- 山﨑泰治
- Movie Director
- 柴田大平(WOW)
- Music
- 阿部海太郎、小山田圭吾(Cornelius)
- Client
- Hachiōji-City
- Creative Director
- Daigo Daikoku
- Art Director
- Daigo Daikoku
- Designer
- Daigo Daikoku, Mayumi Sano, Yuto Kanke, Naoko Sasaki, Hana Yazaki
- Copywriter
- Norimitsu Korekata
- Producer
- Tatsuki Suzuki
- Cordinator
- Terutaka Suzuki
- Photographer
- Taiji Yamazaki
- Movie Director
- Daihei Shibata (WOW)
- Music
- Umitaro Abe, Keigo Oyamada (Cornelius)