HIDA: A Woodwork Tradition in the Making
HIDA: A Woodwork Tradition in the Making
Japan House Los Angeles
Japan House Los Angeles
In the Hida Takayama region of Gifu prefecture, Japan, a woodwork tradition dating more than 1300 years has been passed on and continually refined, thriving to the current age. "HIDA: A Woodwork Tradition in the Making", on show at Japan House Los Angeles, is an exhibition that explores the core of Japanese aesthetics and craftsmanship through the woodworking tradition of Hida. This exhibition explores the interaction of "forest, human, time, and craft" that gives birth to this craft, through the products of Co., Ltd., one of the oldest furniture manufacturers in Japan.
飛騨高山には、1300年以上続く木工文化が息づき、伝統の技と心を礎にしたクリエーションが今も脈々と続いています。ジャパン・ハウス ロサンゼルスにて開催中の「HIDA: A Woodwork Tradition in the Making」は、飛騨高山の木工文化を通して、日本のモノづくりの心、美意識に迫る展覧会です。日本の歴史ある家具メーカー、飛騨産業のプロダクトを中心に、展覧会のテーマである「森と歩む」「人を想う」「時を継ぐ」「技を磨く」を表現しています。
The exhibition consists of two parts, both centered around the themes of coexisting with the forest (Forest), considering inherent human needs (Human), cultivating legacy through time (Time), and refining craft continuously (Craft). The front gallery serves as an introduction to the Hida region and its long standing history, culture, and relationship with the forest. The main gallery showcases HIDA's woodwork tradition through the region's traditional handicraft and the versatile products of Hida Sangyo Co. Ltd.. The ever-evolving craftsmanship of the region is eminent in the raw materials, manufacturing processes, and the finished products displayed together in this gallery.
Exhibition Design: Main Gallery
Six large, low pedestals made from compressed cedar, titled “DISCOVER”, “SHAPE”, “CONNECT”, “WELCOME”, “SENSE”, “NURTURE”, greet visitors in the main gallery. Following the themes printed on Mino Washi from Gifu, visitors can walk through the pedestals as if strolling through the forest. By viewing and sometimes even smelling or touching the raw materials, tools, manufacturing processes, and products up close and personally, visitors can immerse themselves in the allure of the HIDA woodcraft.
メインギャラリーには、“DISCOVER”(見つける) “SHAPE”(作る) “CONNECT”(つながる)“WELCOME" (もてなす) “SENSE”(感じる) “NURTURE”(育む)と名付けられた、圧縮杉の細いフレームでつくられた6つの大きな低い展示台が並んでいます。美濃和紙に刷られた題字に従い、素材や道具、製作工程や製品、香りや手触りなども楽しめる展示品を辿れば、飛騨の魅力を五感で感じることができます。視点によって変化する風景は、まるで森の中を散策しているような不思議な印象をつくり出します。
Exhibition Design: Front Gallery
In the front gallery, large plywood panels display visual information about why the Hida region has always been vital to Japan’s rich culture. Walking through this section, visitors feel as if they are walking through the woods of Hida, getting more familiarized with the region before visiting the main gallery.
- Client
- JAPAN HOUSE Los Angeles
- Collaborator
- 飛騨産業株式会社
- Exhibition Designer
- 大黒大悟
- Creative Director
- 大黒大悟
- Art Director
- 大黒大悟
- Designer
- 大黒大悟、東門光香
- Motion Graphics
- 東門光香
- Project Manager
- 野口愛未、Tokotah Ashcraft
- Planning
- lntertrend Communications, Inc.
- Content Contribution
- 高山市史編纂
- Planning Support
- 高山市
- Client
- JAPAN HOUSE Los Angeles
- Collaborator
- Hida Sangyo Co., Ltd.
- Exhibition Designer
- Daigo Daikoku
- Creative Director
- Daigo Daikoku
- Art Director
- Daigo Daikoku
- Designer
- Daigo Daikoku, Mika Tohmon
- Motion Graphics
- Mika Tohmon
- Project Manager
- Megumi Noguchi, Tokotah Ashcraft
- Planning
- lntertrend Communications, Inc.
- Content Contribution
- Historical Archive Office, Takayama City Board of Education
- Planning Support
- City of Takayama