



In collaboration with Kontrapunkt in Denmark, we designed a sound sensitive typeface for Chinese audio tech company Goertek. Based on surrounding sounds, it changes appearance by vibrating in different frequencies and wave types. The dynamic typeface is created for use on digital signage and wayfinding throughout Goertek’s groundbreaking R&D hub in Qingdao, China.

中国の音響技術会社 Goertekの書体を、デンマークのコントラプンクト社との協業で開発しました。青島に新設される巨大研究開発施設のサインシステムやデジタルサイネージに使用されます。Goertek fontは「音」をコンセプトに制作された、幅広いシーンに対応できるヴァリアブルフォントです。

  • Goertek

Sonic Type Face


Inspired by Goertek’s heritage as a sound and acoustic tech company, the variable typeface oscillates to express the movement of sound waves and frequencies.


  • Goertek
  • Goertek
  • Goertek
  • Goertek
  • Goertek

Sonic Type Face


Inspired by Goertek’s heritage as a sound and acoustic tech company, the variable typeface oscillates to express the movement of sound waves and frequencies.


  • Goertek

Audio activation


The font is audio activated. When used in digital signage, it adapts to the surrounding environment based on its sound volume and frequency. In a louder area it will tend to be more active and attention grabbing, whereas in a quieter area it will be still and unobtrusive.


  • Goertek
  • Goertek
  • Goertek



In the wayfinding system, the variable font adapts to various environments, ranging from casual to formal. Signs in areas where only employees are allowed are playful, signs where clients and customers walk is professional but approachable, and signs where government officials and VIP enter are formal and respectful.


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