“Rokuro Taniuchi's Paint Box" has been published
The book “Rokuro Taniuchi's Paint Box—the Drawers of Imagination" has been published from Tokyo Shimbun. This book is a fresh and warm look at the works of Rokuro Taniuchi, a painter who grew up without ever forgetting his inner child, and was published in conjunction with the exhibit “100th Anniversary of Rokuro Taniuchi: A Dream That Will Never End", currently being held at the Yokosuka Museum of Art.
書籍「谷内六郎のえのぐ箱 想像のひきだし」が東京新聞社より出版されました。子供心を忘れないままおとなになった画家、谷内六郎の作品を、横須賀美術館で開催中の「生誕100年 谷内六郎展 いつまで見ててもつきない夢」に合わせて、新鮮かつ暖かな目線で篇算した一冊です。