HIDA: A Woodwork Tradition in the Making is now open at Japan House LA
New exhibition "HIDA: A Woodwork Tradition in the Making" opened on 1/16 at Japan House LA in Hollywood. This is a two-part exhibition about the woodworking tradition of the Hida region in Japan, and the efforts of Hida Sangyo, Ltd. Co. to preserve this tradition while innovating new techniques. It is on show until 4/12; please visit if you are nearby!
Japan House LA にて「HIDA: A Woodwork Tradition in the Making」展示中
新展示「HIDA: A Woodwork Tradition in the Making」がハリウッドのJapan House LAにて、1/16にオープンしました。飛騨高山地方の木工の伝統と、その伝統を守りつつ常に革新を目指す飛騨産業の挑戦を、二部構成で展示しています。4/12まで展示中ですので、ぜひお立ち寄りください。