Dear Mayuko

Dear Mayuko Co., Ltd.

Dear Mayuko

Dear Mayuko is a lifestyle-proposing cosmetics and beauty brand noted for using ceresin, a natural moisturizing component found in silkworm cocoons. Sensations evoked by Dear Mayuko shampoos and face washes—fluffy, bubbly, silky, glossy—are portrayed with various rounded shapes that derive from the circular shape of the silkworm cocoon. I was in charge of the direction of the entire brand at its startup, designing and directing all items from the logo, packaging, storefront, sales promotion tools, and advertisements.

Dear Mayukoは、繭に含まれる天然の保湿成分、セリシンの配合を特徴とする、ライフスタイル提案型ビューティーブランドです。繭の“まる”をモチーフとして活用し、ふわふわ、ぶくぶく、つるつる、さらさらといった、洗顔フォームやシャンプーの使用感がもたらす気持ちを多様な“まる”に見立てて視覚化。ブランドの立ち上げにあたって、ロゴ、パッケージデザイン、ストアデザイン、販促ツール、広告まで、ブランド全体のディレクションを行いました。

Logo and Mark

  • Dear Mayuko
  • Dear Mayuko
  • Dear Mayuko
  • Dear Mayuko
  • Dear Mayuko
  • Dear Mayuko

Packaging Design

  • Dear Mayuko
  • Dear Mayuko
  • Dear Mayuko
  • Dear Mayuko
  • Dear Mayuko
  • Dear Mayuko
  • Dear Mayuko

Sales promotion tools

  • Dear Mayuko
  • Dear Mayuko
  • Dear Mayuko
  • Dear Mayuko
  • Dear Mayuko
  • Dear Mayuko


  • Dear Mayuko
  • Dear Mayuko
  • Dear Mayuko

Store Design

  • Dear Mayuko
  • Dear Mayuko
  • Dear Mayuko
  • Dear Mayuko
  • Client
    Dear Mayuko Co., Ltd.
  • Art Director
    Daikoku Daigo
  • Designers
    Daikoku Daigo, Mayumi Sano, Naoko Sasaki
  • Copywriter
    Ryoko Kawahara
  • Web Designer
    Yasuto Yokota
  • Web Developer
    Takehito Goto
  • Photographer
    Mikiya Takimoto, Kei Iwasaki
  • Producer
    Tatsuki Suzuki, Yoko Tsuruta, Michiko Inagaki
  • Shop Designer
    Koichiro Oniki
